Are you feeling stuck in a body you no longer recognize, and yearning to get that “spark” back?

Are you unable to move the way you want, and finding yourself avoiding opportunities, covering up, and not participating in the world in the way you long to?

Do you feel discomfort or pain when moving your body, which leads to moving less and less?

Do you have work, family, or life obligations that seem out of sync with traditional exercise, diet plans, or wellness strategies that have worked in the past (or that seem to work for everyone else?)

Are you struggling with finding the time and motivation to start, and stick to, a program? And then when you do, are you “failing” or giving up on it after only a short time, frustrated yet again?


Sometimes it can feel like we’ve ignored a problem for so long, there’s no way back. We can feel like it’s everyone else who has the will power, the discipline, and the mindset to live in the body they want. We can feel so frustrated with the cycle of starting strong, only to fizzle out a few days or weeks later.

All of this is completely normal. Parts of our brains don’t always agree on what’s best for the body, leaving us in a constant all-or-nothing battle with exercise and a healthy diet.

That’s why understanding and working with the brain is so important when it comes to making lasting changes in the way your body looks, feels, and operates. And just like cleaning out a junk drawer, we’ll make changes one step at a time. If you look at the whole picture, you get overwhelmed, and maybe even give up. But step-by-step, little by little, we create change that lasts.

Because not only to we clean up what’s there now, we deploy comprehensive, proven strategies to keep things working through the inevitable changes of the future.

It’s not an overnight fix, though there are ways to kickstart your routine and start seeing results right away. Let’s start there.

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Let’s get lifted.

We’ll start with 90 minutes of discovery & strategy where we’ll get to the root of where you want to go, and the best way to get there. We’ll set up or tweak your personal fitness regimen, nail down nutrition to get you energized and revitalized, and isolate the three key things you can do for your body to get you immediate, lasting results.

You'll walk away with a wealth of information from postural corrections to protein intake, and exactly what you need to start feeling better, lighter, and more in control. You’ll be in the driver’s seat, with clear direction toward the future you want.

You’ll receive:

  • one 15-minute welcome call & consultation

  • one 75-minute discovery session

  • a comprehensive 4-week wellness plan covering fitness, nutrition, and healthy lifestyle strategies

  • two follow up calls; one at 2 weeks and one at 4 weeks to regroup, make edits, and ensure your complete comfort and confidence in executing your new plan

Ready for a kickstart?

Step 1:
Give yourself a high five. You're taking a huge step forward, and you won’t regret it. Now you can click the button below to schedule your welcome call. That’s where we’ll see if we’d be a good fit for each other, and if we’d like to move forward.

Step 2:
If it’s a go, you’ll get a welcome packet. This will include some intake forms, some lifestyle audits, and some work customized to you and your goals. I’ll also send over some resources to help you get started before our session even takes place. Fill it all out, and await our…

Step 3:
…discovery session! This is where we dig deep into nutrition, movement, and your healthy living goals to create the plan that will get you where you want to go. Get excited, because you’re on your way to getting lifted, and living in a body you love!

Step 4:
After our discovery session, you’ll get a 4 week plan complete with workouts, nutrition guides, and lifestyle targets to help you make progress you can see and feel.

Step 5:
Follow through on your plan, and get 2- and 4-week check ins with me to make tweaks as needed. And as an added bonus, if you’d like to keep the progress going, you can continue month to month for only $99.

I’d love the opportunity to work with you. Click the button below to schedule your welcome call today.

Why work with femmepower?

With so many books, reports, blogs and articles, the idea of what to do and how to do it can be overwhelming.We demystify the process, re-aquaint you with your body, and develop individual plans to meet your goals.

You'll get clear, evidence-based advice on how to make the best choices for you. No two women are alike, and workouts, nutrition advice, and self-care strategies should behave accordingly.

The FemmePower Method helps real women

make real, lasting changes in their lives.

want more than just a kickstart? how about a transformation?